A Weekend Workshop Devoted To Helping You Develop Your Voice And Sing YOUR Song!

Let's spend a weekend together helping you come into the FULLNESS of your potential with singing and using your voice!

- Strengthen your vocal technique

- Learn to sing with your entire body as your instrument

- Make friends with your critical inner voice

- Learn more about somatic singing and embodied voice work

- Experience the benefits of SOVT exercises for the voice

- Learn how to navigate performance anxiety

There are SO many things to think about when it comes to singing and sharing our voices!

And this small group intensive workshop is the perfect place to help you explore and learn more about how to connect to your body as your instrument, as well as experience the benefits of a master class setting when it comes to improving your vocal technique.

In my own experience, there were definitely some things that I only started to really understand about vocal technique within the context of master classes. When I could watch others learn, and try out the same things I was learning simultaneously, I noticed I could often hear the subtle changes better in OTHERS than I could in myself! And it gave me the confidence and understanding I needed to make those changes faster.

The SPRING SING workshop will take place the weekend of March 23rd and 24th and in 6 hours (3 hours each day), you will get everything from foundational vocal technique & personal feedback for your next level of growth to the mental and emotional tools to help you continue to progress and perform with more fearlessness and confidence.

This will be a small group and a safe space (with only ten students) so you will get a lot of personal attention and also have the support of a group of like minded people cheering you on in your growth!

Access elements of your voice that you never knew were inside of you! No prior experience necessary - if you are either a beginner OR if you have been pursuing your vocal development journey for some time, you will be able to feel (and hear) tangible improvements in your voice and singing ability from this two day intensive workshop. 

Take a look inside...

Day 1:

We will start the day establishing a safe space for our group to feel comfortable singing, moving and sharing together. Each session will begin with vocal warm-ups.

Our first day will include:

* An in-depth introduction to anatomy and healthy vocal technique

* Soulful singing

* An introduction to embodied vocal work and the power of the voice to heal

* Tools and exercises to help you connect to your full body as your singing instrument

* Discovering your primal voice

* Introducing methods to befriend the critical voice

Day 2:

Our second day will begin again with vocal warm-ups and offer an open space for voice-movement-performance research, more targeted exercises for refining individual growth and vocal technique.

Our second day will include:

* Exercises that help each singer realize more power and freedom in their singing and vocalization

*Soulful singing

* Tools and exercises to help you connect to your body and access more honest expression

* Introducing SOVT (semi-occluded vocal tract) exercises and how they benefit the voice

* Introducing tools to navigate performance anxiety

* Opportunities for individuals to sing and receive personal feedback

* Refining our technical toolbox so you can continue to progress on your own

You have the option of taking this workshop in person, in Berlin OR online.

The in-person workshop will be in Berlin, Mitte on Saturday, March 23rd and Sunday, March 24th from 1-4 pm. The cost for this workshop is 130 Euros.

Sign up for the Berlin Workshop

The Online SPRING SING Workshop

The online SPRING SING workshop will be Saturday, March 23rd and Sunday, March 24th from 5-8 pm CET, (that is 1-4 pm NYC/9-Noon LA). The cost for this workshop is 130 Euros.

Sign Up for the Online Workshop!



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