Private Coaching & Mentoring

Wholehearted Artistic Development

Expand. Create. Connect. Heal. Transform. Thrive.

* Are you paralyzed with fear at the thought of sharing your voice?

* Are past fears or rejections often the reason why you say "no" to what you really want?

* Do you feel like it's impossible to really do or be what you're dreaming of?

* Are you waiting for something outside of yourself to come save you or "discover" your talent?

* Have you felt as if you just don't have what it takes? Not enough talent, time, ability, youth, beauty, faith, capacity?

* Do you find yourself in cycles of hopelessness when it comes to singing, songwriting, creativity or living the life of your dreams?

Me too.

Or at least... I used to.

At one point in time, many of these feelings, beliefs and realities were very, very true for me.

I've been there.

And it's painful.

I used to cry after every voice lesson, praying I would someday learn how to sing. I've had to heal from the trauma of an extremely abusive voice teacher, recover after extreme burnout and depression, learn how to cultivate new beliefs in the face of despair and hopelessness, start over in midlife with an entirely new creative dream, create my own audience from the ground up when it looked like no one believed in me or my talent, and learn how to move past my shame based limiting beliefs regarding age, making money and promoting my art.

I'll never forget the day when I decided things had to change.

One night, on a rooftop terrace at a club in Berlin, I asked for divine guidance and prayed a prayer that changed the trajectory of my life.

And I promised that if I was taught how to heal and move past my own blocks and limitations,

I would teach others, in any way I could, to do the same.

"Without exaggerating? The experiences & tools I've gained through coaching with JennyRebecca have changed my life. Literally.

I show up in an entirely different way at work, with my children and in my marriage. I am learning to be my whole, full self in the world and have rediscovered dreams I've had since I was a little kid. This experience is giving me the audacity and tools to listen and explore these dreams and try new things at 47! I feel so inspired to chase down a life I will feel deeply fulfilled by and proud of in 50 years!"


“Working with JennyRebecca made me so alive and it changed everything. It just made me feel super hopeful, super encouraged, and it actually gave me faith that it could happen for me. It gave me a huge boost because before, writing just 1 song a year was like a dream to me. I'd written a few songs, a lot of half written songs, but she really showed me that I can do more than I think, I can create more than I think! JennyRebecca is the real deal! She approaches becoming an artist from all angles and empowers you with wisdom and knowledge. What makes this course so effective is that everything she teaches is coming from a place of her own experience. She is so excellent as a songwriter, singer and a teacher. She challenges you and has tons of grace. I would highly recommend working with her to anyone!"


"JennyRebecca is so positive and encouraging, & it really made me realize my own resistance in ways I hadn't been willing to see before. She would say "You can do this!" & I would find myself saying back, "No, I could never do that, etc." but then I would marinate on that during the week and start to really ask myself why I was thinking those kinds of thoughts and reexamining. Before working with her, I wouldn't have even considered breaking through that resistance, or even knowing it was there. I now have faith in my ability, I definitely did things that were scary in a good way! I tried things I wouldn't have allowed myself to try on my own, because it would have been messy...& that's the point! She provides so much safety, and the accountability & deadlines helped me get consistent & realize that the consistency doesn't have to be perfect & that is how we really make progress."

-Stevi M 

"I've worked with JR for the last 6 years and basically sign up for everything she is offering, whether it's the Collective, private coaching, or Songwriters Studio because she has helped me believe I am an artist and know that my art is valuable. She's helped me learn to connect with the childlike wonder of creating (and not get bogged down by the production aspect of it).

She's helped me know my WHY and become comfortable with leaning into the uncomfortable emotions that creativity brings to the surface and she's always encouraging me to continue creating and be true to myself. The group aspect and accountability of the Songwriters Studio was also just pure magic and intimate, and that family feeling really made us all feel so valued and propelled us so much higher than I ever thought possible."

- Makayla

What if there were no limitations?

What if you could break free from every thing that is blocking you and REALLY step into the fullness of your dreams?

It's time for a shift in identity.

It's time for a TRANSFORMATION.

It's time to expand and make measurable steps towards your dreams and desires.

Private Coaching and Mentorship

I am excited to offer a new private mentorship opportunity,

designed to help you be the artist you were born to be!

I've offered private lessons and coaching in the past...

but now I am offering a special Monthly Intensive Mentorship Experience for people who want to see transformation and results at an accelerated pace.

 WORKING TOGETHER - What does it look like?

We work one-on-one to help you overcome every limitation that is standing in your way!


Two Sessions Per Week

Most people have multiple things they need to work through in order to have the breakthrough they are looking for! For example, if you want to grow in your technical abilities - with singing or songwriting but also need to heal from past trauma or start to change your mindset, meeting twice a week enables us to focus on technical growth alongside mental & emotional resilience training.


Focus On The Specific Topics YOU Desire

Choose from a range of different coaching topics:

  • Vocal Technique
  • Songwriting
  • Somatic Singing
  • Healing Past Trauma
  • Growing Your Audience
  • Creative Wholeness
  • Performance Anxiety
  • Promoting Your Art
  • Money Mindset
  • Musical Neuroplasticity
  • Finding Your Voice
  • Self-Compassion
  • Mental/Emotional Resilience


Personal access

Enrollment in the Mentoring Program gives you private access to JR's personal What'sApp where you can ask questions or leave voice memos throughout the week and if you want to dialogue about anything that comes up for you in your healing process or as you are continuing your technical growth, she is available and will respond within the with a voice memo, video message or text.



Many people who have coached with JR in the past have said that the accountability has brought about significant and lasting change. Each week we will have a check-in to establish and measure your growth!

Here you can have help setting goals and creating an individual strategy for growth and transformation so you can make measurable steps towards your dreams quickly!

Take your dreams into your own hands!

Learn how to overcome every obstacle and limiting belief that is standing in your way by receiving coaching on any of the following topics:

  • Conquer your stage fright
  • Heal from past trauma
  • Find your true voice and learn to LOVE it
  • Learn how songwriting can be your tool for healing
  • Learn how to record your own song demos on garage band or logic
  • Become a master of your time
  • Learn how to run your start-up as an independent artist
  • Learn mindset tools for daily growth
  • Master the art of storytelling -for songwriting & to connect with your audience
  • Learn how to sing with freedom, power & ease
  • Learn how Somatic Singing can be a healing practice
  • Strengthen your mental and emotional resilience
  • Learn how to release your own music with a PR strategy
  • Learn the neuroscience of manifestation
  • Master social media and creating online ads & marketing
  • Grow in your identity and self-worth
  • Learn how to start an e-mail list so you can grow your audience and business
  • Learn how to grow your audience
  • Learn how to promote yourself and your art
  • Heal from past rejection and learn how to embrace criticism
  • Master the balance of cultivating Creative Wholeness
  • Take your music career into your own hands as an independent artist
  • Learn how to run a successful crowdfunding campaign
  • Lose your fear of being seen and heard
  • Learn how to make money as an artist, create products & make offers
  • Master the craft of songwriting
  • Build an unshakeable confidence
  • Learn how Musical Neuroplasticity can change your life
  • Free your inner artist from limiting money mindsets
  • Grow in your practice of cultivating discipline
  • Learn pilated and yoga informed movements for embodied singing
  • Learn self-compassion exercises and grounding techniques for performance prep and visualization
  • Learn how to book your own tours as a musician

Are you ready to get started?!


Create. Connect. Transform. Thrive.


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